Shelby County Chiropractic

Exercises to Relieve New-Mom Backache

If you’ve just had the fortune of giving birth to a cute little baby — Congratulations! You’ve achieved what is considered one of the most priceless milestones in human life. Nothing—repeat after us— absolutely nothing beats the joy of your newborn tightly holding your finger in their clenched fist or waking up every morning to look into tiny eyes that look like yours.

While it brings you all the happiness in the world, motherhood can also take a toll on you with all its aches and exhaustion. But that’s okay.

Don’t let back pain keep you from enjoying being a mom when there’s relief available. Here are a few exercises to help you through the process:


Yoga has two advantages. It doesn’t just help you with back ache but it’s also effective at tackling symptoms of post-partum depression. As your muscles loosen up during childbirth, practicing special post-partum yoga poses can bring them back into position. The best yoga pose for this is the ‘child pose’. It stretches your lower body areas like the hips, back, and thighs. As a result, the spine widens up and strengthens the muscles which may have weakened as a result of childbirth. Make sure all your yoga sessions include deep breathing. This will make sure that it’s not just the body you’re relaxing but also the mind.

Proper Body Mechanics

There’s more to exercising than just walking in the park for an hour every day. How you sit, walk, lift, and move every day also has an impact on your muscles. As a new mother, the way you lift your baby or feed them also either improves or worsens your back ache.

  • Every time you lift something, don’t overstress your back. Make sure you’re exerting all the pressure on your knees.
  • When you’re feeding your baby, raise your feet to a certain height. You can use a footrest for extra support.
  • Child delivery leaves muscles sore and makes them hurt for some time. In this case, get regular massages with olive oil.

yoga sessions - health & fitness Chiropractic center Kentucky

Chiropractic Treatment

If you’re not keen on taking medications and painkillers, this might be the right option for you.

A chiropractor will suggest the right treatment for you, considering the newfound changes in body. Chiropractic realigns your pelvic position and corrects the posture. Holding, feeding, and lifting the baby isn’t something you’ve always been used to. It can strain your muscle too. Chiropractic helps you relieve musculoskeletal spasms in the neck by improving blood flow.  Good chiropractors will also advise you on the proper diet and sleeping postures to follow for a healthier body and better sleep.

A back ache is no reason to not spend enough time with your small bundle of joy. For chiropractic treatments in Shelbyville, please book an appointment with Dr James Stapleton DC at Shelby County Chiropractic. For further details, call us at 502-633-1073.