Modern Chiropractic Care to Manage Low Back Pain: All You Need to Know
Are you suffering from low back pain? Well, you’re not alone. Many people deal with low back pain, which can later become a cause for serious concern. Reports suggest that one in 10 people suffers from low back pain across the world, and it causes more disabilities than 300 other conditions. It is also the reason behind one-third of work-related disabilities in people worldwide.
Back pains can range from mild to excruciating, but they cause great discomfort no matter the intensity of your pain. Usually, the pain goes away on its own, but if it persists for more than three days, consulting a medical expert becomes incumbent. Hence it is important not to ignore backaches and look for treatment options to relieve them. One such recourse is chiropractic care, which effectively treats back pain.
However, sometimes, physical therapies and medical treatments don’t show effective results, but chiropractic care is a less invasive and much more effective method to treat low back pain.
What Is Chiropractic Care?
Chiropractic is a healthcare profession that typically involves the usage of manual therapies to manipulate and adjust joints to treat neuromuscular disorders. Evidence from a study has suggested that chiropractic care is as effective as physical therapy when treating low back pain.
Though the technique has been in existence for decades, the modern treatment methods involve the use of advanced chiropractic care services by incorporating instruments and less invasive yet more effective methods of adjustment.
There are several types of chiropractic treatments for lower back pain, such as:
1. Spinal Manipulation
It’s a hands-on treatment that involves using force to adjust spinal joints and improve spinal structure and function. A chiropractor will place you in certain specific positions and apply force to the affected area, causing a ‘pop’ sound and providing instant relief to your pain.
2. Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger point therapy uses a compression technique at myofascial trigger points to remove the buildup of toxins within the muscles that cause them to tighten up. The chiropractor applies controlled pressure on those sensitive areas to relax your muscles and then massages the area to eradicate the pain.
3. Thompson Drop-Table
This technique uses a table with segmented drops to provide a low force adjustment. The table lifts a portion of your body by an inch, and the practitioner applies a thrust to that part resulting in a gentle ‘drop’ back to the original level.
4. Use of ArthroStim Instrument
Many people become anxious and uncomfortable with the sounds of crack and pop produced during a chiropractic adjustment. Using this instrument is helpful to provide accurate adjustment without any sound. It provides repetitive low-force thrust that adjusts the spinal stimulation.

Whatever treatment you choose, it is important to get it done by a professional chiropractor. It is also important to get yourself examined thoroughly before going for a particular line of treatment. Hence, for your safety and relief, the experts at Shelby County Chiropractic provide the finest chiropractic treatment for low back pain.
We offer all of the above-mentioned advanced chiropractic care services and many others. Get in touch with us for more information today.