Chiropractic Adjustments Without A “Crack” – Breaking The Myths
The chiropractic adjustment is an ancient treatment that has existed for years now. Since its inception, the method has raised many brows, and people have attached different speculations to it.
However, chiropractic treatment has advanced and modified with time, but the speculations and misconceptions have remained intact amongst some folks.
The point of concern here is that if it’s ineffective, why do many people claim to benefit from it?
Have you tried playing devil’s advocate and think there might be nothing wrong with the chiropractic treatment? If yes, then let us help you discover more. Let’s burst some bubbles of misconception in your mind regarding chiropractic treatment.
Chiropractic Adjustment Crack Your Bones
This is the oldest misconception attached to chiropractic treatment. The cracking sound produced during a chiropractic adjustment is not because your bones have cracked; it’s the sound produced by the snapping of air from joint space in reaction to the muscle adjustment. There’s no damage caused to your bones or any internal or external body part due to chiropractic adjustment.
The Treatment is Painful
A common notion among people is that physical treatments not done under anesthesia are painful. However, it’s completely the opposite with chiropractic treatments; not only is it painless, but it’s also relaxing and soothing. Think of it as a family member of body massage, where the physical handling gives you the most comfort.
You Can’t Get Out of the Chiropractic Cycle
People have made up in their minds that once you start getting chiropractic treatment, there’s no getting out! Well, that’s a total mistaken belief; chiropractic treatments don’t keep you in the loop forever.
Chiropractic Treatments Focus on Body Pains Only
Some people believe that they need to see a chiropractor when there’s a certain type of pain in the body, mainly focused on the neck, knee, or back. However, chiropractors offer much more than just treating body aches, like altering body postures, muscle alignments, etc.
It’s a Risky Treatment
Many contemplations, such as, what if they adjust the muscles that don’t need adjustment? What if something bad happens during the adjustment? What if I develop some other pain due to the adjustment?
All these and many more ‘what-ifs’ can be laid to rest with one answer – Chiropractors are professionals and have the education and knowledge to handle you with expert care. You have to trust and respect your chiropractor like you trust your physicians or dentist. Chiropractors’ expertise will not let anything dangerous happen to you, and chiropractic treatment, on the whole, is an extremely safe process as it’s much less invasive than other medical treatments.

Shelby County Chiropractic is a family chiropractic center that provides advanced chiropractic care services in Kentucky. Our team of experts is willing to break the wall of misconceptions and offer you a service that will make you fall in love with the chiropractic treatment. Contact us now for effective, affordable, and safe chiropractic therapies!